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AiR- Atman in Ravi spreads the essence of happiness and a stress-free life on International Day of Happiness

happiness Secret | Our Mission
Our Mission

HRTE - Happiness Root To Enlightenment

To Help People discover a way to Eternal Happiness through Enlightenment.

Happiness Secret | Our Vision
Our Vision

To inspire, guide and lead people to live with meaning and purpose, peace and bliss.

Our team | Ball distribution Event

How we celebrate

Happiness Day

our team happiness ball distribution

AiR-Atman in Ravi, a revered spiritual mentor, an entrepreneur turned philanthropist, a noted author and an eloquent speaker, is spreading joy on International Day of Happiness, through the essence of leading a happy and stress-free life. As a symbolic gesture, the spiritual mentor distributed 10,000 smiley stress-relieving balls at select public places across Bengaluru with special happiness slogans, 'To be Happy, make others Happy,' 'Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet born, so make a vow, to be happy in the NOW’, ‘If we choose to be sad when we can be glad, we are mad,’ ‘Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success’, ‘Just be Happy, don't try to become Happy’. He also handed out his books that carry the key to ultimate happiness. The drive included the distribution of 2000 copies of two of his books – Happiness is Success and 3 Peaks of Happiness. All the employees of the State Bank of India (SBI) Head Office in the Karnataka capital received the smiley stress-free balls to drive home the message of eternal happiness. The gesture lit up their faces. They also received copies of AiR’s books that reveal the spiritual truth, the secret to finding everlasting happiness in life, that can lead one to a path of eternal bliss, peace and pure happiness.

Spreading Love

Public Happy Moments

AiR also spoke on the occasion of International Day of Happiness and how he was contributing on this special day by helping the employees of SBI Head office and Bengaluru residents be happy and showing them the way to eternal happiness, “While the happiness balls are to spread cheer and joy, we can do much more than just tokenism. Today all of us are surrounded by the hustle culture where we are running from one end to the other, from morning till night and end up with no time to breathe. Divinity is the way forward if we wish to reach the path of peace and eternal bliss as well as true happiness. By transforming our lives in small ways and bringing about a change in our outlook, we can find the ultimate peak of happiness which can only be attained through self-awakening. When we live in consciousness of the truth, we are in a state of seamless, Divine bliss. Here’s hoping that we can become a part of the journey of many people who seek to attain Happiness in its purest form.” In his book, 'Happiness is Success', AiR has talked about how one can find happiness within, and in the moment. Talking about achievement, fulfilment and self-awakening as the three peaks that one must seek to live with eternal peace and Divine love, he guides the reader to these paths. It is imperative to come out of the misery of the Triple Suffering - pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego. 3 Peaks of Happiness - is AiR’s personal experience as he recounts his journey to seek the peaks of happiness. He guides the reader to not just know about these 3 peaks but also urges one to aim for the ultimate zenith. AiR - Atman in Ravi is the Founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Centre of Enlightenment, institutions that have been enlightening uncountable lives and inspiring people to attain true enlightenment, live with meaning and purpose and become one with the Divine.

happy People's

Evolve from momentary pleasure to eternal peace and everlasting bliss

S a t c h i t a n a n d a


Only a few people go in search of the true meaning of life. But if they do, they become Conscious of the Truth, they experience Ananda, a bliss unknown to the common man. SatChitAnanda, the word broken up is Sat – the Truth, Chit – Consciousness, Ananda – Eternal Bliss. It signifies that Ananda comes when we become Conscious of the Divine Truth. Then,we become thewitness, the observer. We live moment by moment in the Consciousness of this Divine Truth. If we can remain Conscious of the Divine Truth, wecanlivealifeofEternalBliss.

'Satchitananda' is a state of Bliss, It's living with Peace and Tranquillity. When the Monkey Mind becomes a Monk, There is no stress, worry, and anxiety.

P e a c e

Only a few people go in search of the true meaning of life. But if they do, they become Conscious of the Truth, they experience Ananda, a bliss unknown to the common man. SatChitAnanda, the word broken up is Sat – the Truth, Chit – Consciousness, Ananda – Eternal Bliss. It signifies that Ananda comes when we become Conscious of the Divine Truth. Then,we become thewitness, the observer. We live moment by moment in the Consciousness of this Divine Truth. If we can remain Conscious of the Divine Truth, wecanlivealifeofEternalBliss.

'Satchitananda' is a state of Bliss, It's living with Peace and Tranquillity. When the Monkey Mind becomes a Monk, There is no stress, worry, and anxiety.

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